Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Looking Back to Move Forward

          It has been amazing to me over the past few days to see the number of people who are sharing their New Year’s resolution on Facebook.  These people are eagerly looking forward to the New Year of 2013 believing that it will hold a great deal of joy, encouragement, and blessings for both them and their families.  This morning I read a study about the fact that only 45% of Americans set New Year’s resolutions of that percentage only about 12% actually follow through with them during the next twelve months.  Now, I don’t share all of this to discourage you or even make you feel like you cannot live up to your resolution but to encourage you to think about the entire process in a different light.

            A few years ago a wise man spoke some truth into my life about this very thought of setting, keeping, and evaluating our resolutions every year.  He told me that one of the easiest ways that he had found to move forward with a resolution (or several) is to look back on what God has done in your life over the past year.  He made it a habit to journal consistently about the various ways that he had seen God working in and through the situations of his daily life throughout the year.  He took the opportunity of New Year’s Day to read back through and reflect upon the work of God in His life.  As I started thinking about this in my life over the past year there are several amazing things that God has done in my life over the past twelve months, which have lead me to think about the way I live my life in the coming year.  However, for the sake of this blog entry I will choose two life-altering decisions that will affect how I move my life forward in the coming months.

            The first of these workings of God centers on my accepting of a new ministry position.  Last January both my wife and I started feeling like God was calling us to a new ministry position somewhere closer to our families.  We found ourselves looking all over for a new position in ministry as we felt our time in the south was drawing to a close.  In May we journeyed to North Canton, Ohio to interview at Faith UMC.  While I felt as though the interview was confirmation for us to move and Mindy felt as though her time in town was confirmation we had to wait on the phone call from the search committee which came a few days later.  I held my breath as I listened to the words of the head of the Staff Parish committee offered me the job.  Unfortunately our house had horrible cell phone reception so I had to ask him to repeat the offer to make sure that I heard him right.  A couple of weeks later we found ourselves moving back to the Midwest, starting over in a new church, and feeling blessed that God provided this transition for us.

Through this experience, I was reminded of the blessing of “fresh starts” that come in our lives.  I was reminded of the “fresh start” that God gave me at the age of fourteen at a lock-in when I accepted Him into my heart for the first time.  I was reminded of the “fresh start” that He extended to me when I accepted my call to ministry almost two years later, changing my career path drastically.  I was reminded of the “fresh start” that we have because of God’s forgiveness, grace, and love in my life.  Overall this experience reminded me of the depth of God’s love for me personally and His provision for my life. 

Fast forward to the end of the 2012, where our family felt the need to purchase a home that would be our own.  This was something that we wanted to do for our children to provide stability in their lives and allow us to establish some “roots” in our local community.  We were excited when the first offer we made was accepted and it looked as though everything would work out perfectly for us to be in our own home for Christmas.  However, as we inched toward our closing date, several “hiccups” started occurring in the process.  We felt ourselves growing in frustration and questioning the timing of the numerous “barriers” that were popping up everywhere.  We finally withdrew our offer from this house and walked away uncertain of where we would live for the next few months.  However, again God provided something amazing for family.  We were blessed to be able to get into an apartment, with a short term lease, the day we came back to town from celebrating Christmas with our families.  We also found out that another house, which happened to be my wife’s favorite home that we saw was still on the market and available.  We submitted an offer and are in the process of negotiating the price with the owners as I write this. 

            This process of purchasing a home has probably given me more gray hairs than my children because of the stress, uncertainty, and drastic turns that have taken place through it all.  However, I am reminded of my wife’s words, “God has always taken care of us through everything, why would He let us down now?”  These words have echoed deep in my soul throughout the recent weeks, as God has provided in an amazing way for our family.  He has provided the funds in our bank account.  He has provided a bed for us to sleep in every night with a roof over our heads.  He has provided a house, that we believe is the house we are supposed to be in (not to mention several of the updates that we wanted are already accomplished) in His timing.  While we may not have an understanding as to why this situation unfolded the way it did, one thing remains true; God is faithful to us, so shouldn’t we be faithful to Him as well.

            Looking back reminds us of where we have been, so that we can live through the present, and soar into the future!  I am thankful for these words that were offered up to me a few years ago and I challenge you to look at what God has done in your life over the past twelve months and where He wants to take you in the next tweleve.

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