Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Reflections From Rockford

          Last week I was able to travel with a group of our students to share God’s love with the people of Rockford, Illinois through our annual summer mission’s trip.  During my high school years I was never able to take a mission trip however, my freshman year of college that changed as I traveled with a team of my friends to the island of Jamaica.  After spending two weeks there my heart was forever changed.  Since that initial experience I cannot count the number of hours that I have loved spending serving others through mission work. 

            This past week was a continuation of being able to serve others in my life, as our high school mission team traveled to Rockford, Illinois to help people in need there.  Before I share about our experiences it needs to be noted that this year’s trip had a different feel to it because the individual who had coordinated and led these trips for the past 25 years stepped down.   His shoes were filled by a team of people who desired to see this amazing ministry continue but the trip felt a little different without the “man in the orange shirt.”

            As for our experience, and I feel like I say with each youth trip/event I do, but it truly was the best ever as Faith UMC is blessed with great students and adult volunteers.  As I reflected back upon the week there are several moments that stand out to me where God was present.  I will attempt to capture a few of them here but if you would like to hear more about our experience feel free to join us at one of our three worship services this Sunday, July 14th as our students and adults will be sharing about how God worked in their lives during the week.

            The first experience that I would like to share is about the amazing students that I am blessed to work with.  Each day our students are responsible for sharing about the theme from the day which centered on a piece of our verse for the week.  This year we chose Deuteronomy 10:12 which says, “And now, Israel, what does the LORD your God ask of you except to fear the LORD your God by walking in all of His ways, to love Him, and to worship the LORD your God with all your heart and all your soul.”  Our students amazed me as they shared about how God was working in their lives and it was evident that they desired to share God’s love to those they were serving and others through their lives.  Two evenings in particular stood out to me as our students shared about their understanding the theme of the day. 

The first was a young lady who was limited in what she could do by a recent surgery.  We were unsure if she would be able to attend the trip but not only did she attend the trip but she blessed several of us with her words as she shared.  This young lady had spent a great deal of time encouraging others, planning their devotion, and thinking about what she would say.  After she finished sharing her heart the table I was sitting simply looked around at each other (with our jaws on the floor and tears in our eyes) and said WOW!  Her heart shined through every word she said and everyone was changed because of what she shared.  The second experience happened on Friday night as I listened to our seniors (now graduates) share about their experiences as they led us in communion and worship.  It is astounding to listen to these individuals share through the tears about what our mission trip has meant to them and thank those that have impacted their lives.  It is an incredible blessing to see these young men and women share their hearts and know that they will go out and change the world!

            The work projects were another place where it was evident that God was working as we were blessed with great home owners to help.  On the final day of the trip I was traveling to all the work sites to see the finished projects that our students and adults had devoted their week to.  It always amazes me at the work that our teams complete and this year was no different.  However, there were a few sights that I saw after the teams left that need to be shared.  The first was young boy lying on the new deck that two teams built around his house.  His father was a diabetic who had lost both legs and was in a wheelchair and although he tried to keep his children “out of the way” our teams welcomed them in to work with them during the week.  Seeing this young boy lying on the porch and enjoying something new was reaffirmation of the amazing work that our teams do.  Second, there was a family with seven children who couldn’t stop thanking the director of the Workcamp for sending two of our teams to them to help by constructing a new picket fence, plant flowers, paint, and do some additional work on their house.  Their kind words about our teams made me so proud to be a part of this ministry.  Third, was a man in his 70’s with MS who two teams constructed a wheelchair ramp for.  He told me one day that he had went out on the ramp and jumped up and down on it to show how thankful he was.  (Although we both knew he couldn’t jump, we laughed as we celebrated the hard work of our teams with this blessing he received).  Finally, there was the interaction with a Puerto Rican native custodian who worked at a church where a team worked on several bathrooms.  As he left a special dinner on Friday evening, his smile told the story of his gratitude as our team alleviated what could have been months of work for him.  One of the most unique pieces of this project was that some of our students painted a verse of Scripture in three different languages on the walls of one of the bathrooms to minister to the diverse congregation that they have at this location.  The work projects were yet another way that we saw God working during this week.

            The final example of God working during this week was through the relationships that were built between the students, adults, and me.  After having to leave last year’s trip due to my father being in the hospital I was anxious to see how some of the students would interact with me this year.  After hours of laughter, sharing stories, and having deep/meaningful conversations I am so thankful for these students and the impact that they have had in my life.

            Needless to say, God was at work and we were blessed to be a part of it throughout our serving in Rockford.  We are excited to share more about our experiences with our church family this Sunday in worship and thank you for entrusting your students to us.  We look forward to partnering with the families of our community as we seek to impact the next generation with the combined influence of parents and the church!

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