Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Thank You to Parents

A couple weeks ago I was given an interesting opportunity as my wife headed off for a weekend retreat with her coworkers.  I wondered about what I could possibly do with two small children for an entire weekend.  You see, there has been a balance in our house where we take turns caring for the children to give each other a break, but during these seventy-two hours it would be all on me.  Now I know what some of you may be thinking, “Come on, how many single parents do this day in and day out” or “How many stay-at-home moms do this every day?”  It’s true that many parents are fully equipped to handle this challenge however this weekend with my children opened my eyes to a variety of thoughts.

First, there were several challenging moments throughout the weekend where I wondered what we would do, how I would survive or how the children would survive.  I think if we were all honest this would be something that every parent can resonate with.  We get so excited to raise our children during the pregnancy but then life throws a variety of challenges at us that we were never expecting or prepared to handle with them.  Despite these challenges our role is to love our children unconditionally and care for them because they are ours.  A great example of this is to think about the part that God plays in His desire to have a personal relationship with us.  God loves us and accepts us daily, despite the mistakes or shortcomings that we may exhibit.  We should love our children in the same way, unconditionally, even when it hurts.

The second thought happened on the first night when my son woke up crying because he had gotten sick all over his bed.  As I was cleaning up the mess and him, he simply looked at me with tears in eyes and said, “I’m sorry daddy for getting sick.  My heart completely broke because I wondered if my attitude had conveyed that I was frustrated with him.  As I sat on the floor with him cradled in my arms, I reminded him that I loved him and cared for him despite this inconvenience.  This experience made me think about the way that I talk to and communicate with my children daily.  Am I sending a message of love, compassion, and care or rather one of judgment and ridicule?  I realized in that moment the effect that I will forever have on the lives of my children.

Finally, when the weekend drew to a close and mommy returned home there was great rejoicing from all parties.  However, what grabbed my attention the most was the recollection that the kids shared with my wife about all of our adventures from the weekend.  After they finished their whirlwind stories, they stopped and looked at me and said “Thank you daddy.”  My heart was so grateful because of all the time and energy that I put into that weekend, investing in them, caring for them, cleaning up after them, which are all parts of being a parent.  However, I wondered how many other parents don’t ever hear the words, “Thank you” from their children.  I know that these words become increasingly less as children get older but as parents we need to know that we are appreciated and valued for all of the long hours and hard work that we pour into our children.

So if no one has ever told you, as parent what you do matters and is important.  The investment, love and care that you show your children will forever impact their lives.  Your influence may never be known to your children until they are adults, if ever, but thank you for investing in them.  Thank you for pouring your heart into your children.  Thank you for loving them unconditionally.  Thank you for being there for them.  Thank you for being the best parent you can be to your children!

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