Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Unsung Heroes

            Starting next month our students will hear a new series that touches a spot very dear to my heart.  We will be looking at a series entitled The Invisibles.  Here is a brief series synopsis about this wonderful series;

“We are surrounded by the invisibles. These are people who simply want to know someone cares, someone notices? People who want to know God cares. Some of us would even say we feel that way? Invisible to an entire world, daily passing us by. Whether that feeling is a familiar one or not, the reality is that each one of us has felt invisible at one point or another. But we didn't stay that way. God saw us. He sees the invisibles. And because God took notice of us, we are able to open our eyes to see those around us.”

As I have thought about this series and how to start the conversation I began thinking about “the invisibles” in my life?  Who are those people that are the unsung heroes, who have played a role in my faith journey?  As a youth director, there are several people that I could mention such as my youth pastor and FCA director who both invested in me during my teenage years to help me figure out God’s call on my life.  I could note a couple professors who helped me through college wrestling with the adventure that God has called me too.  There have also been pastors and volunteers who have supported, encouraged, and prayed for/with me during my faith journey as well.  But all of those people are not the unsung hero that I wanted to talk about today.  Sure they are wonderful people, blessed with amazing gifts that they are using for God and without them I would not be where I am today.

However, the unsung hero in my life is someone that I see every day.  It’s someone who embraces me, cries with me, listens to my stories, cares for me, and loves me unconditionally.  Many of you may be thinking I am referring to my personal relationship with God, which is exemplified by all of those traits, but my unsung hero, is my wife Mindy.  Without her by my side over the past eight years (seven of which has been our marriage) I don’t know where I would be.  She is always there supporting me, loving me, and caring for me.  However, how often have I stopped to thank her for the love and care that she freely gives every day?  How often have I truly thought about the sacrifices that she has made so I can pursue the God placed on my life?  How many nights has she stayed at home raising our kids, so I can go to the church, athletic event or concert of a student from the church?  How many sleepless nights has she endured because I was gone to a retreat, mission trip, or conference?

Mindy, truly is the unsung hero of my faith journey (not to mention the youth ministries that I have served in) because of the personal sacrifices that she has made to be loving wife, compassionate mother, youth ministry volunteer, or any of the several other roles that she has filled during our journey together.   She has helped me through so many challenges and celebrated the wonderful joys of ministry along the way as well.

After wrestling with this thought for the past week, I started thinking about the students, parents, and families that I have served during my ministry career.  I wondered how many students felt “invisible” to their parents and friends?  I wondered how many parents felt “invisible” to their spouses or children despite all of their hard work and sacrifice?  I wondered how many families felt “invisible” to the church or that they couldn’t share their hurt and pain for the fear they would be judged?

My challenge to you today is simply to start looking for the “unsung heroes” in your lives, families, and faith journey.  What can you do to say thank you to those people who have helped shaped who you are today?

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