Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Are You Playing for Keeps With Fun?

          This last element may surprise some of you parents but have you ever thought about the impact that fun can have on your relationship with your child?  Take a minute to think about the word “fun.”  What images or thoughts run through your mind?  What feelings begin to well up inside of you? 

            Now as you are thinking about the word “fun,” I want you to think about how that connects to church and your relationship with God.  For some of you the two concepts seem to go hand-in-hand without question.  You see find humor in challenging situations and enjoy laughing (a lot).  But for some of you the concept of fun, laughter, and joy seem to be an antonym for what happens in church.  For some people the church has done a great job of ingraining the following thought into our minds, “If it feels good or makes us happy it must be a sin.”  Joy, laughter, and frankly life have been completely eliminated from the equation of what it means to be a Christian.  If you are in this boat I would like to echo some words that one of our pastors said a few weeks ago (with a slight amendment), “If any of you have experienced the depletion of your joy as a result of something that happened in the church, I extend an apology to you.  This is a place of joy!”

            In my opinion the halls of every church should ring out with laughter, joy, hugs, and a passion for life that simply can’t be explained short of the glory of God.  However, many churches and Christians have forgotten how to laugh and have fun.  An example of this happened this past week as our youth mission team was preparing to be commissioned to go out and serve on our yearly trip.  As we waiting to come into the sanctuary the noise coming from the gathering area began to elevate.  As I went out to tell the students to be a little quieter (I know what fun am I), one of them looked at me and simply said, “But we are so excited about going on this trip!”  I quickly thought up a reply which we used as a teachable moment later that morning in our adult training which went something like, “You can’t have joy in church.”  The students began laughing even harder as they understood my sarcasm and joke, but a couple of the adults gave me a look like, “Is he serious?”  Of course I was kidding as I have found laughter and fun to be some of the most therapeutic things to my soul.
            You see giving a child or student fun over their lifetime creates a strong connection.  As author Reggie Joiner and Kristin Ivy state in their book Playing for Keeps, “As adult leaders and parents, we need to take our cue from kids and start acting like fun matters” (p. 182).  Fun does matter and it is extremely important to foster a healthy relationship with the children/students we work with not to mention our own children.  A practical way to start learning how to implement fun into your life is to stop taking yourself so serious.  I learned this several years ago and wished that I had learned it earlier.  By not taking myself so seriously I have found the freedom to laugh, point out the mistakes that I have made, and simply have more fun.  Take a moment and ask yourself, “Are you taking yourself too seriously?”  If so what steps can you take to start alleviating this tension in your life and begin having more fun?

            Are you implementing “fun” into your life and relationships?  As Christians we should be the most joyful, positive, happy, playful, and fun people on the planet.  As a parent this may be challenging because we may lose focus of our overarching goal of influence due to the challenges that parenting presents.  However, by loosening up, learning what our children like (and doing it with them), and losing the agenda we are instilling the connection to our families through fun. 

The lives of our children/students are extremely important so we need to be intentional about utilizing fun in order to better direct their life in a positive direction.  As a parent or an adult leader we can’t make a kid love God, have faith or care about what matters but we can give them time, love, words, stories, tribes, and fun throughout their lifetime.  We look forward to partnering with you and sharing in this discussion as we seek to impact the next generation with the combined influence of parents and the church!

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